So I had acupuncture tonight after work.  It's been my third session; Friday (my second session) was by far my most relaxing acupuncture experience thus far ... tonight, not so much.  I think the Dr. tried to perform a spinal tap with an acupuncture needle.  FYI, it doesn't work.  Be that as it may, I'm continuing to pursue acupuncture.  Something has to help.

Because acupuncture is around the block from my parents' house, I got to score an awesome home-cooked meal tonight.  I really appreciate a home-cooked meal these days prepared by anyone but me ... but especially Mom!

Upon request, Mom cooked up some vegetable meatloaf.  I've had a craving for meatloaf for quite some time, and because it's not Ryan's favorite I've held off making it.  Now thanks to my cured craving, Ryan's been spared probably a couple more months ;-)
Mom also prepared some delicious sweet potatoes, seasoned green beans, and she got creative and made her own falafel balls.  They tasted just like a falafel you would  get in NYC!  A fun treat.

My older sister also seemed to really enjoy Mom's meal.  She was certainly chowing down on her sweet potato waffle fries!

And I definitely came home with about a 1/2 pound of meatloaf, so I will most likely have some for lunch tomorrow ... I'm thinking it might pair very nicely with the mashed butternut squash leftover from last night's pork chop dinner ...
Quite possibly.

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