So Ryan and I have a fried chicken cutlet habit.  This has been addressed several times in the blog ... but I just wanted to reiterate that point.

Moving back ...

However satisfying my breakfast was this morning, I found myself to be hungry again pretty soon after.  Maybe it was brought on by my morning run?  I snacked on the tried and trusted; popcorn.
Sprinkled with cayenne pepper and cinnamon.  Mm-mm.  Honestly though, I haven't been eating popcorn that much these days.  Maybe because I was having it one to two times a day for about a month and I'm a little over it at the moment ... healthy snacking nonetheless.

For lunch I enjoyed a bowl of lentil soup and a big plate of greens.
Simple and delicious.

Sometime in between lunch and dinner I went on a bunch of errands.  FYI, waiting on line to return boots is far less enthralling as waiting on line to purchase boots.  And by the way, what was going on at DSW today that caused major panic all over the overcrowded parking lot?  The silver lining is that I ordered the same boots I returned from their online website and now own the pair that fits me like a glove =)

And as per the norm in this household, I fried up some chicken cutlets for dinner.  It happens at a minimum once a week, and sometimes even twice.  That's just what happens here.  Deal with it.
And also to continue with recent trends, I roasted up veggies to enjoy alongside our chicken and mash. 
Green beans and yellow baby carrots. 

So amazingly delicious.

And there ya have it ... The end of another weekend, and the beginning of another work week ... Bleh. 

By  the way, I may or may not have feasted on ten more pumpkin cookies some time after lunch ... just sayin'.
10/11/2010 04:35:32 am

YELLOW baby carrots? what is this world coming to!?
Funny sidenote: in syracuse baby carrots are marketed as a junk food - i heard we're one of the pilot cities (along with cinncinnati) in the country where they're trying this advertising strategy. it includes not only billboards but also very sexual TV commercials heh


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